Lectura de sambata dimineata

It’s that time of the year again. Nu, nu Craciunul – primavara. Desi uitandu-te afara ai spune ca e noiembrie. Zapezile, oricat de neplacute, ne aduc aminte de copilarie, le asociem cu bucuria sarbatorilor, pe cand ploile ne umplu de frustrare. Toate femeile cu care vorbesc imi povestesc despre frustrarile lor vestimentare. „M-am saturat de cizme, vreau sa port pantofi!” aud cel mai des, urmat de „Oh, ma asteapta atatea rochii in dulap!” si „Nu mai suport negrul si griul, vreau culoare!”


Pare sa fie perioada in care, stilistic, ne transformam din omizi pufoase in fluturi. Renuntam la paltoanele grele, puloverele groase, la ghete virile si culori intunecate, pentru rochii imprimate, esarfe vaporoase, culori demente… E ca o dieta inversa: pe cat ne indopam in decembrie, pe atat intreaga iarna hibernam stilistic, iar la primele zile calendaristice de primavara suntem hamesite, vrem culoare, vrem soare, vrem fuste, vrem sandale, vrem carlionti si suvite blonde!

Eu zic ca nu ar trebui sa ne opreasca absolut nimic din a purta culoare intr-o zi gri. Sau o rochie primavaratica intr-o dupa-amiaza ploioasa, cu temperaturi de cate o cifra. Pentru asta exista cardiganuri, bluze cu maneci lungi, ciorapi colorati, botine, umbrele galbene, cizme de ploaie amuzante!

Mai rabdati cateva zile pana puteti fi libere si trec chic pentru primavara. Pana atunci, umpleti-va casa de flori, pregatiti-va garderoba pentru noul anotimp, faceti un tort de ciocolata, dansati in sufragerie, puneti muzica la maxim, cititi un teanc de reviste de moda…

Iar daca vreti sa va puneti la punct stilistic pentru primavara, veniti sambata urmatoare, pe 15 martie la Style Conversations#11 – vom discuta tendintele pentru primavara 2014, va voi spune care sunt noile lungimi, croieli, culori si imprimeuri, ce puteti inca purta din sezoanele trecute (chiar anii trecuti!) si care sunt piesele in care merita sa investiti.

Pana atunci, va las sa cititi…

International Women’s Day: AnOther’s best words – „Officially created in 1911, it is a celebration of women’s political, economic and social achievements across the globe. To mark the occasion, here’s a selection of our favourite quotes from our favourite women: from a heartbreakingly hopeful Marilyn Monroe, to a determined Patti Smith and a refreshingly optimistic Uma Thurman.” In AnOther Magazine.

The story behind the V&A new show on Italian Style – „Of the many qualities that define Italian style – the gilt and glamour, the sense of profound and reassuring luxury – perhaps the most important is a question of attitude. Sprezzatura. It means nonchalance.” In How To spend It.

Behind the pre-planned Oscar selfie: Samsung’s ad strategy – “Samsung Electronics spent an estimated $20 million on ads to run during breaks in the Academy Awards broadcast on Sunday night. But Samsung may have got more promotional mileage from Oscars host Ellen DeGeneres during the show itself.” In Wall Street Journal

An interview with Victoire de Castellane – „Fashion is instantaneity; style is history. Having style means entering history, dressing in an identifiable way, creating duration. It also means that you have been imposing a specific look, and that it will last forever. Fashion, as it relates to the desire to be appreciated by other people, ties into the need not to be excluded, to belong somewhere, to be part of a group. Style comes from the strength with which you accept not to be part of a group. „In AnOther Magazine.

Meet Averyl Oates, the brit heading up Galeries Lafayette – “In her new position at Galeries Lafayette, Oates occupies a strategic role as taste-maker for a €3.8 billion a year business that operates throughout France and beyond.” In The Telegraph

Through Van Noten’s eyes – “The most surprising thing about the new Dries Van Noten exhibition, which runs through Aug. 31 at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs here, is twofold: how much Dries Van Noten there is in it, and how much Dries Van Noten there isn’t in it.” In NY Times.

The branding of fashion photographers – „Photographers are stepping out from behind the lens and into the marketplace with products of their own.” In Financial Times.

One part Mr. Peanut, one part Hipster Chic – “From the trendy enclaves of Berlin cafes and Manhattan restaurants to gin ads and fashion magazines, the monocle is taking its turn alongside key 21st-century accouterments like sharply tucked plaid shirts and certificates in swine butchering.” In NY Times.

The Investment Dresses: the cropped circle – „Whatever your trouser of skirt shape of choice, the cropped jacket is your friend.” In The Telegraph.

The Picassos of perfume – „Can scent actually be considered an art form?” In Financial Times

The many faces of Stella McCartney – “Designer, campaigner and working mother, Stella McCartney understands the challenges that face the modern woman.” In The Guardian

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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