A single man
Sunt curioasa daca va ajunge la noi pe ecrane (ma indoiesc!), desi a avut premiera la Venetia in septembrie. Este debutul regizoral al lui Tom Ford – cadre minutios si estetic executate in care Ford reuseste sa exprime atmosfera anilor ’60 prin lumina, jocul actorilor si evident imbracaminte, culori splendide si un montaj de exceptie unde se vede mana lui Dan Bishop si a regizorului de imagine Eduard Gau, o Julianne Moore mai frumoasa si mai expresiva ca oricand, un Colin Firth la milioane de ani distanta de domnii lui Darcy (din Bridget Jones si adaptarea dupa Austen) – un suflet zdrobit de durere sub o fatada impasibila de profesor de engleza.
Filmul se pare ca deja a primit recenzii favorabile – Times UK il numeste „a thing of heart-stopping beauty… There will be critics who will be unable to get past the director’s background, but rest assured: Tom Ford is the real deal.” Verdictul Variety este la fel de entuziast si pozitiv: „Luminous and treasurable, despite its imperfections. An impressive helming debut for fashion designer Tom Ford”, iar Playlist il descrie ca fiind „expressive, immaculately shot and impeccably well-groomed film — it’s not Tom Ford for nothing, the costuming, set design and camera work is the utter beauty of detail and precision.”
Cat despre Ford-regizorul himself, in interviurile citite el ramane la fel de distant si ambitios ca Ford-designerul: “People who don’t know me well will be very surprised by the film. It shows a different side of me.” In WWD, spunea: „The process seems really natural to me, and I’d ideally like to make a film every three to four years.” But he’s trying to keep his two careers separate: „I didn’t want to be perceived as some fashion designer who’s come to Venice and decided to make a film . . . I wanted to avoid anything to do with fashion, and I wanted the film to speak for itself.”
Julianne Moore arata intr-adevar de milioane, coloana sonora intriga/invita, iar atmosfera, culorile, temele, te duc fix la TF….daca aflii de o cale pentru a ajunge la acest film, please, Irina, let me know…
si eu sunt interesata de vreo cateva luni bune in a vedea acest film. daca aveti vreun link bun de torrent or smth ANYTHING pleaaase 😛
mi-a placut intriga iar finalul m-a „lovit”. nu ma asteptat sa se termine intr un mod ironic. multumesc pentru recenzie, atfel nu l-as fi descoperit 😉